Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rev. William Barber on N.C. Public Employee Collective Bargaining

Unions and Pimps

So what makes this country great? Unions, that's what. For the last century all of the best jobs and opportunities  have come with one. Teachers have one, doctors, actors, even midgets... I mean Little People. See, that's exactly what I am talking about. There is a union out there just waiting to sue me for simply using a term like "midget". What a life. Over the past ten decades union organizers have done everything from shutting construction on major projects to almost shutting down Hollywood a few years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I get what the unions are about, hell I am a member of two of them myself. At their best unions serve as rich, over-protective parents ready to slay dragons or give wedgies to corporate bullies and billionaires. At their worst they serve as one of the signs of the decaying fabric of America. Unions have become one of the bullies that they once protected us from. Joining a union is no longer a choice, it is forced upon anyone who wants to work and be successful in a particular field. You want to be a doctor, pay dues to the AMA; actor, Screen Actors Guild. Even every major American sport has a "players union" disguised as an association to make the player's position stronger. Huh? Now we live in a world where millionaires need a rep to bargain with billionaires?

And here is the point to this rant.... Enjoy the Superbowl on Sunday because it may be the last one that we see for a couple of years. Due to the end of the current collective bargaining agreement between the NFL owners and the Player's Association and what many see as the likely unlikelihood of new terms being agreed to before the start of the next season, we may see a lock-out of players in August. And why? Because the billionaire owners cannot come to terms with the millionaire players. The Energy in this country has gotten so foul and funked that the more money and power we achieve the more we try to keep to ourselves.

Scratch that saying from Lady Liberty and make it say "Don't bring us your tired, poor, huddled masses... unless we can unionize them". After all, isn't that what we used to do. Snatch them off of the boats, feed them, clothe them, and sign them up for votes. Why am I even surprised or upset that this is the way that America continues to work. We are just one big band of unions or better yet, gangs, each with its own lobbying monster pandering for us. I guess everybody needs a pimp to make sure that they get the best price for their work.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Art of Lying - Part 1 (Why?)

Yes, my friends, lying is truly an art form. You would think that in a time when 
the masses are calling for transparency in their leaders, that lying, as it 
were, would lose cache. Oh but it is not so. Lying is still the cool thing to do 
in multiple situations. Liars come in all shapes, sizes, colors and creeds. They 
misinform you about every aspect of their lives, from cheating wives/husbands, 
to friends who for some reason never tell you that you have something in your 
nose, teeth, hair or about that kick me sign on your back.

So, why is it that humans have such a hard time with telling the truth? What are 
we afraid of? Rejection? Humiliation? No. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 
that humans are afraid of the truth. Of its consequences and of its benefits. We 
are afraid that our honesty will cause others to dislike us, turn on us, or 
think bad of us. What kind of society do we live in where telling someone the 
truth makes that person think ill of the truth-teller? I tell you what kind of 
society that is… a society full of Bitch-Assness (Google definition). Men want 
sex from women so the Bitch-Asses lie about everything from how much they make 
to how well endowed they are. Women want to appear wholesome (or not whorish), 
so they lie about how many men they have slept with (rule of thumb, multiply the 
number she gives you by 3), where they were last night, where they go during 
they day, cup size, hair color, age, etc.

What is so hard about hearing the truth for people? So what if she does not like 
you, want you or go any where near anywhere you have been. Take it like a man 
and move on. And vice-versa ladies, if you are whorish (or have whore tendencies 
i.e. sleeping with someone other than your spouse, wearing short skirts and no 
panties to church, etc.) than I say BE THAT. Be real, be honest, be yourself and 
bask in all your whorishness. People will appreciate you more for it. If you do 
not like someone, tell them, rather than stringing them along. You never know, 
hell, maybe they are looking for someone who doesn’t like them. There are plenty 
of people out there looking to be tortured.

No one wants to be lied to, unless they too are full of Bitch-Assness. I am 
instituting a year free of Bitch-Assness and lying. I urge you to join me and 
fast on the truth. Take this year to free yourself from the chains of your lies. 
As we all know, once you tell one, you have to tell three more to back it up. So 
the next time someone asks you for money or a date do not just say no. Tell them 
why. Hit them with the truth. Bury them in your honesty. They will appreciate 
your honesty and friendship more…. Unless they too are Bitch-Asses, and who 
wants Bitch-Ass friends/associates?